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October 1st, 2024


Register of assistants

  • Joan Antón Català, Science communicator specialized in Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Laura González Llamazares, Entrepreneur, member of the Hypatia II crew and member of WIA-E Barcelona
  • Timo Pesonen, Director-General for Defence Industry and Space of the European Commission
  • TBC, Axiom Space
  • Chaired by: Daniel Sors, Head of Services and Industrial Promotion at the Institute of Space Sciences of Catalonia
  • Héctor Salvador, EMEA General Manager at Triton Submarines
  • Josep Santacreu i Bonjoch, President of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce
  • TBC, Government of Catalonia
  • Juan Carlos Cortés, Director of the Spanish Space Agency
  • TBC (to be confirmed)
  • Chaired by: Clàudia Mateo, Head of Space Innovation Business at i2CAT


ROOM1 (15.30 – 17:30)

  • Alvaro Carballo, Aerospace & Defense Sales Director at Applus+
  • Maria José Granero, Strategic Advisor at AEROS
  • María del Carmen Muñoz Rodríguez, Member of the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL/ESA) Board
  • Chaired by: Sergi Giménez Binder, Partner at Augusta Abogados

ROOM2 (15.30 – 18:15)

  • TBC, Regions from the Disruptive & Emerging Technology Alliance (DETA)
  • Chaired by: Albert Royo, Special Envoy for Technology, Innovation & Science at the Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to the European Union
  • Miguel Belló, Executive Director at Orbex
  • Irene Benito, Head of Government Affairs at Planet
  • Niklas Nienaß, Former Member of the European Parliament
  • Josep Virgili, GNC Engineer at
  • Chaired by: Sandra Mingot, Head of EU and Defence Programs at Sener Aerospace & Defence
  • Kristina Nikolaus, CEO and co-founder of OKAPI:Orbits
  • TBC (to be confirmed)
  • Chaired by: Cristina Serradell, Director of the International Trade Unit at ACCIÓ
  • Joan Manel Casalta, Science Department Director at SENER Aeroespacial
  • Simon Maire, Senior Innovation Consultat at In Extenso & FUTTA Broker
  • Luís Martín, Co-CEO of Arribes Enlightenment & ESA Broker
  • Chaired by: CIEMAT

October 2nd, 2024


Register of assistants

  • Joan Antón Català, Science communicator specialized in Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Laura González Llamazares, Entrepreneur, member of the Hypatia II crew and member of WIA-E Barcelona
  • Annalisa Donati, Secretary General at EURISY
  • Carlos Fernández, CEO of Telespazio
  • TBC, Airbus
  • TBC, International Space University (ISU)
  • Joaquim Bellvert, Researcher of the Efficient Use of Water in Agriculture Program of the IRTA
  • Antoni Ventura, Managing Director at Aigües de Manresa
  • TBC, EarthPulse
  • Chaired by: Sergi Compte, R&D Area Manager at the Catalan Water Partnership
  • Pere Castells, Founder and president of the Science & Cooking World Congress
  • TBC (to be confirmed)
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